Sunday, December 27, 2009


We had such a fun Christmas this year. We have been truly blessed with the love and support from our friends and family. Alain and I would both like to forget this year entirely (except for Ty's birth of course). Everyone goes through hardships in their lives, and it seems as though Alain and I have had more than our share. We just have to remind ourselves that "this too shall pass" and that we'll be blessed for our faithfulness.
Now on to the fun stuff!! Logan was totally excited to see that Santa ate the yummy cookies he left for him. He was also up at the butt-crack of dawn. Luckily he didn't bug us, but boy he sure bugged Cole. Cole is the only one of our kids that sleeps in, and Logan was going up and down the stairs ever 30 seconds to see if he was awake yet. Finally Cole woke up, and they had a great time opening their presents. They were happy with everything they got, so that was good.
Later on Alain and Jana came over and we all got to spend the day together. We played the games we got for Christmas, and at WAY too much food. It was a nice, relaxing day, and it went by way too fast.
I caught this photo right before we began.This was Logan's favorite presents, and one of Cole's.Ty had fun playing with the paper and bows. He kind of opened his presents, but big brother Cole was right there to help him with the rest!!Logan has become obsessed with Star Trek and Spock after he saw the latest Star Trek movie. Uncle Jake was awesome enough to find this head-thing for Logan.It even fit Alain's gargantuan head. He can't do the finger thing, so he's holding open his fingers. It was hilarious!!Having fun with the loot.This is one of the only pics that Jake wasn't in the background of. (Thanks Jake!!) I'm sporting my necklace and earrings that Alain got me. Aren't they cute?!

1 comment:

  1. 2009 sucked for us to so I can totally relate. Maybe both of us can enjoy a better 2010!
