Thursday, September 2, 2010

Good-bye San Diego :(

When we went to San Diego this past July we knew that it was probably the last time we'd be able to go because of Alain's new job. We tried to make the best of it.

Since we were so excited to go we were so devastated when our tire blew out about 45 mins. out of LV. It was HORRIBLE!!
It took them about a half our just to figure out how to change the tire and where everything was. Cars were honking at us, as if it was our fault we got a flat tire. Alain got a massive burn on his elbow from trying to look for the spare and touching the hot muffler.
It was a great experience (can you sense the sarcasm) that I hope to NEVER have again!
While we were in SD Alain went on his yearly "brothers trip" to Comicon (can we say GEEKS?) while me and the boys spent some time at the SD Zoo. We were all able to go to the Wild Animal Park, the beach (which was FREEZING), and La Jolla. It was extra special since Uncle Clint was able to be with us too.

Three of my four handsome boys.
This was cool because they could go in the turtle thingy and be spun around. They loved it!
Cole was the only one who wanted to feed the deer. He has no fear!
We had lunch near this hill, so the boys enjoyed rolling down it. It brought back many memories of my childhood when we would go to the church near our house and roll down their hill. It seemed huge at the time, but I know now that it was a tiny little thing.
Me and my Cole-buddies.
Ty loved the beach. A little too much in fact. He kept on racing into the water. I don't understand why because if was unbearably cold. The whole vacation it was cold, but I didn't mind coming from 110 weather.
Logan spent his time trying to make a little kiddie pool so Ty wouldn't dive into the ocean. Isn't that nice of him? It never worked though because the water kept on seeping into the sand. Nice try, Logan!
Here's Cole helping his older brother out. Isn't he a sweetie?!
Our last trip was to La Jolla. It was soooo nice! It brought back memories for Alain and I since we went there when we were dating. It was also great weather, and just all around beautiful.
This here is Uncle Clint and Uncle Michael in the look out with the boys.
Isn't it gorgeous?
There were so many pictures I took that were gorgeous, but I didn't want to bore all of you with them. Here's one of my faves.

Good-bye San Diego, you've been good to us. We love you and will miss you tons!

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