Friday, April 30, 2010


Later is better than never, right?! We had a calm Easter with General Conference being the same day. Our traditional Monkey Brains were eaten for breakfast, along with a yummy classic Easter dinner. Luckily Alain's brother and his wife were able to come over and spend the holiday with us. Who knows if they'll do it again, though. Our kids are crazy, and crazy in love with them. It seems as though they can't spend more than 5 minutes away from Jake and Emalisa. So, thank you Jake and Emalisa for being such good sports!
We colored eggs, which the boys loved, of course.
The egg hunt went well with everyone finding all the eggs this year. We usually (and when I say "We" I mean the boy Easter Bunny) cannot remember where all of the eggs are hidden. This year a girl Easter Bunny came, so they were all remembered and all found.

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