Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Snow...in ABQ!!

One day the boys and I were going through our normal routine, when all of a sudden I looked out the window and saw this:
I know you probably can't tell because of my wonderful photography skills, but it was snowing!!  Not only were we excited to see snow, but these flakes were the biggest I have ever seen.  They were just wistfully floating down from the sky.  I have never seen it snow like this before.  It was breathtaking!
The kids were ecstatic and, of course, had to go right out an play in it.  It snowed pretty hard and fast, so there was a lot to play in.  This is where you can tell we're desert folks, because I didn't have any warm-weather gear to dress them up in.  We did our best, but when they came in I was sure I had given Ty frostbite!!  They had fun and that's all that mattered.  Usually, we're told, snow in ABQ doesn't stick around for very long, but this snow lasted for a couple of days.  I cannot tell you how many times I was asked to go outside and have snowball fights!!  Overall, it was great fun, and a good experience 
for my boys.  I would gladly welcome snow any day :)  (Don't hate me for saying that!)
 Watching if fall (he never wears pants!).
 See, told you they were huge flakes!
 View from our front window.
 View from front door.
 Having fun :)

 Dad is such a good sport to have a snow ball fight. 
(I think he likes it just as much as the boys, though!)
One of the many times we played outside in the snow ;)

1 comment:

  1. I am so with you! I love the snow. Bring it on. The freezing temperatures? They can go!
